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Family New Year Resolutions

Family New Year Resolutions

As the New Year approaches, many parents think about how they would like to make this year better with their children. Here are some simple yet sometimes overlooked ideas that can serve to make family relationships improve in 2020. (According to Statistics...


Dear Julia and Emily, I just wanted to thank you both for the wonderful set of parenting classes that we just finished. At first, when we started, I thought..."Oh My! 14 weeks!... that is a long time"... Then, while we were doing the classes, my thoughts turned into...

What You Pay Attention To, You Get More of

What You Pay Attention To, You Get More of

Parents are always looking for ways to get their children’s good behavior to repeat. “Energy flows where attention goes,” according to Michael Beckwith. Those behaviors that parents give the most focus in their children will grow. Here are some ideas of...

How Not To Raise a Rebellious Teen

It is not inevitable that parents and teenagers will clash. Many families remain relatively peaceful throughout the adolescent years. According to Thomas Gordon of Parent Effectiveness Training, “adolescents do not rebel against parents. They only rebel...

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